Sunday, June 12, 2011

Time to change the rules of the road

Old ladies meandering along Lansdowne, the Parkway or Chemong at 30km mid-morning creating traffic jams is no longer amusing.

Over the past couple of decades we have refined the rules for underaged drivers. Until they are ready, we restrict the roads they can drive on and the hours they are allowed on the roads. Likewise we restrict them from any and all drinking and driving. We also have restricted swimming times for young people at the local pools and leisure centres. In Ontario we also require older drivers to re-certify when they hit age 80.

Its time we went to the next step and restrict driving times for old ladies on our roads. We need to have a limitted time like (2pm until 5pm) that old women (lets say over 55) are allowed to drive on major roads (2 lanes or more in one direction.) Before and after they should be restricted to sideroads and backroads.

Sorry, Mother. It needed to be said.

P.S. Also with the Phonebook and Yellow Pages shrinking in size, the older crowd should be forced to buy/use certified seat boosters so their eyes are above the steering wheel. Get on that MTO & Canadian Tire.

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