Friday, February 25, 2011


I gave myself a nice light sprain in the ankle the other day. Here's the story - I was walking the dogs in Burnham Park (a Provincial Wilderness Park) which is semi-closed for the winter. (Unmaintained - Use at your own risk). Ay the very back of the park the trail winds down the side of the hill into the ravine. There was a very thin covering of snow on the trail so the ice that had formed from the thaw a couple of days prior was hidden.

I had just started down the hill when I hit a patch of ice and down I went, ass over tea kettle, for about 5 metres. My trip was luckily(?) stopped by an Ironwood tree. My left ankle had twisted and I couldnt stand on it. I realized I shouldnt crawl back to the trail as I would likely just do the same thing to my other ankle so I crawled over the brush in the deep snow straight down the hill to the bottom of the ravine. There I was able to find a sturdy fallen branch to use as a crutch and was able to get to my feet with the help of a tree. Slowly with the use of the crutch I was able to walk the 1km uphill back to the van.

I did have my cell phone with me and could have called for help had I really needed it, but the experience was interesting and rewarding. Its nice to know I have the Will Power to overcome physical impediments and challenges.

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